Hangzhou Depot Mixed-Use Development
Hangzhou, ChinaThis project is located in the new science and technology development zone of Yuhang District in Hangzhou with a site area of 904,179sqm. It is a comprehensive mixed-use development with a total GFA of 1,110,447sqm, and it comprises of 774,752sqm residential space; 36,925sqm office space; 80,900sqm retail; 15,000sqm serviced apartments; 32,766sqm community facilities; 133,000sqm public transportation facilities; 37,104sqm primary school and kindergarten.
This is a TOD project sitting on a metro depot, and one of the challenges is to solve the physical constraints of a depot and integrate the site with the urban fabric. The design solution is to bisect the 1,800m long site by an axial public event space which links up a MTR station on the south side and the river promenade on the northern edge. This central axis is designed on gradient, and it not only shortens the walking distance between the MTR station / public transportation hub and each subdivided parcel of developments, but also provides a seamless connection between +16m depot podium deck and the 0m district centre to its south along the city major thoroughfare.